Blog #10

Teachers are the driving force of technology in education because students follow what the teachers show them. When teacher's present students with new trends in technology such as kahoot or khan academy then the students will use this source of technology more. Techcrunch is a website that keeps you the most updated on new technological trends. You can read articles or watch videos about them and even listen to them over podcasts.
I learned a lot of new skills on powerpoint the last two assignments. I had never used action buttons before so that was really fun to learn and use. I think that was the best part of the assignment was learning to use new skills through powerpoint because all of these skills can be used again in the future. I think that the first assignment was not as exciting to do because I wasn't able to create something new and exciting because everything was pretty familiar already. So the second assignment was better for me. 

After reading the instructor's post, I realized how interesting it is that I have gained so much information on technology that I did not know before. I was never taught the CSLPA standards and that was something I got to learn and practice. i also liked reading how everyone else in the class has different opinions on certain topics. We all have our own ideas and it is fun to get to know how everyone else feels. 

Commented on:
Mallory's and Olivia's posts


  1. Hi Olivia!
    I like that you brought up the use of the action buttons, i had never used them either and i wondered if i was the only one who was not familiar with this software. Also, the portion in which you described what you learned was great, i hadnt even thought about the CSLPA criteria and how we got exposed to them very early on! Great post!

  2. Hey Olivia, great post! I liked how you mentioned the action buttons. I had never used these before either so it was super cool to learn about and see how these could benefit my students. I'm sorry you felt that the first PowerPoint assignment didn't teach you much. I personally enjoyed it because we got to design an actual lesson to teach potential students!

  3. Olivia, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post this week! I really like how you said that teachers are the driving force behind technology! Students really are like sponges and soak up everything that teachers do and say, especially in the realm of technology! I also agree with you that learning how to use the action buttons on PowerPoint was interesting and helpful. I definitely see myself creating a nonlinear PowerPoint in the future!

  4. Olivia,
    Great blogpost! I really enjoyed reading it. I was also introduced to the action button ability in the PowerPoint exercise and I believe that it was a valuable skill to learn for the future. I also have found myself in awe of all that I have learned over the course of this class in the realm of technology. Great Job!

  5. I'm a bit late here and making up this blog! But great post. I enjoyed both assignments for the powerpoints but I can see why you preferred the second one.


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