Blog #7

Course websites for teachers would be very effective for many reasons. It is a great way to keep your students and parents updated on weekly activities and homework assignments. It keeps them accountable and allows them to access their assignments online. I think having a class website is beneficial especially in today's society because we are so technologically advanced. Although it does add more work on the teacher, I think it is worth it to keep up with because parents and students won't have an excuse for not completing assignments given and it will keep everyone updated.

In my future profession, I think it will revolve around technology. Today, many speech pathologists use machines to help kids learn to speak if they have disabilities and can't move that well or talk. Computers would be necessary to send parents emails in order to communicate the progress of their child. I think almost every profession would use some form of technology because it surrounds us.

I learned a lot from the Web Evaluation such as what it was. I didn't even know what it was until this assignment so I learned everything from this assignment. I thought it was cool that we got to choose our own topic and then revolve our evaluation around it. It made it more effective to create your own evaluation because I got the chance to create my own questions and subtopics to include. Web evaluations can be used in the classroom all the time especially when you have writing assignments that need sources. You could use the evaluation to check and see if the sources are reliable.
Commented on:
Hayleys Blog #7 (2/18/20)
Olivia's Blog #7 (2/18/20)


  1. I agree and discussed many similar topics in the first question. I also believe that keeping a class website up to date is worth the extra time as it will keep children accountable for completing their work.
    Also, I think your web evaluation sheet is very good and has a lot of good qualifications on it. I could see myself using it in the future!

  2. Olivia,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. I like how you said you would utilize your website as a source of accountability. I never thought of a teacher's website in that way but it could be a very effective tool for accountability. I also really liked your web evaluation and how nicely formatted it was.
    Good Job!

  3. I loved your web evaluation, it looks great! I also love your mention of the accountability the course website can provide. I imagine many of the excuses students give is that they forgot, so it definitely does provide a way in which that excuse is not valid. Great post!


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